August 2018 Pastor’s Perspective

We have some special things coming up in worship.  On Sunday, August 5 we will hear from Matt Schahrer as he shares his experiences on a mission trip to Cambodia this past May.  He traveled with Encounter campus ministry to work with persons who have been rescued from human trafficking.


On August 12 we have several special things lined up.  First, the kids who attended church camp will be sharing about their time.  All attended East Bay Camp.  We helped send 11 kids this summer!  We will also get ready for school to start.  We will have a Blessing of the Backpacks.  Everyone attending school as a student, no matter the age, are asked to bring their backpack or book bag to worship to have prayers said over them.  We will also bless bags of little folks who take bags to grandparents or day care or preschool.  All school workers will be asked to gather so we can pray for them as well.  Teachers, administrators, aides, cooks, and bus drivers for public schools, preschools, colleges, or technical schools are included in this.


On August 19 we will have a regular worship service here in our church on fair weekend.  Since all the other churches are having their own worship service, we will do that as well.  I will do some special music that day.  Beth McCleary has lined up specials for the rest of the month.  All our guests have all been wonderful this summer.  Praise God!


Then on September 2 which is on Labor Day weekend I invite everyone to bring something that represents how you spend your time and/or your passion.  This may be something representing work, a hobby, a place where you volunteer your time or give financial support.  These items will be collected and placed on our altar to be blessed during worship.


Invite your friends.  Talk to folks who have been traveling over the summer to let them know we miss them and we have special things coming up.


“So come, let us worship: bow before him, on your knees before God, who made us! Oh yes, he’s our God, and we’re the people he pastures, the flock he feeds.”

Psalm 95:6

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